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I had unprotected sex I had unprotected sex

Your body your future Escapelle

Whenever contraception fails and you are looking for a solution, Escapelle/Postinor is here to help – the worldwide tried and proven morning after pill.1,2

Used more than 415 million times1
More than 40 years helping women3
Effective up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse
Emergency Contraception manufacturer #1 in the European and US markets2

What, how and why?

Escapelle/Postinor is an emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the ‘morning after pill’, that helps to prevent accidental pregnancy within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure.


Worldwide tried and proven1,2

Escapelle/Postinor is the worldwide tried and proven morning after pill1,2 that helps prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.
It comes from the no.1 emergency contraception manufacturer in the European and US markets2.


How it prevents pregnancy?

Escapelle/Postinor prevents pregnancy before it’s established. It primarily works by preventing ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), thus reducing the chances of fertilization. It can also slow down sperm movement and affect the uterine lining, preventing implantation.


How to take it?

Ideally, take one tablet as soon as possible, preferably within 12 hours, but no later than 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take it, the more effective it is.
You can take the Escapelle/Postinor tablet with or without food, but it’s essential that you swallow it whole with a glass of water.
For Postinor ODT, simply place it on your tongue and it will quickly disintegrate, allowing you to swallow all the active ingredients efficiently.
If you vomit within 3 hours of taking the pill, you may need to take another dose, as your body may not have absorbed the medication properly.


Which one is the right choice for me?

Now you have a choice between three forms of emergency contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel. Postinor ODT, an oral dispersible tablet, is an innovative and convenient drug form that can be taken without water. You simply place it on your tongue and it quickly disintegrates, allowing you to swallow all the active ingredients efficiently. Escapelle is an emergency contraceptive pill available in a single-pill traditional tablet version, while Postinor-2 is the two-pill traditional tablet version and the first member of this product family.

Am i still in time?

Do you want to make sure if you’re still within the timeframe to take Escapelle/Postinor?
Please select the date and time of your unprotected sexual encounter below.


Emergency Contraception Myths

Is it an abortion pill?

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An emergency contraceptive pill is definitely not an abortion pill. These are two very distinct medications with different purposes.
An emergency contraceptive pill is intended to prevent pregnancy and is most effective when taken shortly after unprotected sex. It primarily works by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, preventing the release of an egg from the ovary, and it does not terminate or harm an existing pregnancy.
An abortion pill, on the other hand, is specifically designed to end an established pregnancy. It is taken after a pregnancy has already occurred and is intended to induce a miscarriage or abortion.
It is crucial not to confuse the two, as their functions and timing of use are fundamentally different.

Is it a hormone bomb?

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Escapelle/Postinor does contain the hormone levonorgestrel, which is similar to the hormone progesterone naturally produced in the body, but this hormone is used in controlled and measured doses. Its primary purpose is to prevent pregnancy by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, which is the release of an egg from the ovary, rather than overwhelming the body with hormones.
Emergency contraceptive pills are designed for one-time use in specific situations, such as when regular contraception fails or unprotected intercourse occurs unexpectedly. They should not be confused with regular birth control methods, which are taken consistently to provide ongoing contraception.

Does it affect future fertility?

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An emergency contraceptive pill, when used as directed, typically does not have a lasting impact on your future fertility (your ability to conceive a child in the future). Once the medication has cleared from the body, usually within a few days to a week, your menstrual cycle should return to its regular pattern. So, drugs used for emergency contraception do not harm future fertility4, and there is no delay in the return to fertility after taking ECPs. However, it’s essential to remember that an emergency contraceptive pill is intended for one-time use in specific situations, such as contraceptive failure or unexpected unprotected intercourse. It is not designed for continuous or regular use.

I want to know more


Where and how can I get it?

Do I need a prescription?

Escapelle/Postinor is available over-the-counter, which means you can purchase it without a prescription. It’s designed to be easily accessible for emergency situations when you need it most. That being said, availability may vary depending on the regulations in your specific location.

How do I know it has worked?

After taking Escapelle/Postinor, there are a few signs to look out for. Firstly, if you experience any side effects like nausea or changes in your menstrual cycle, it means that the pill is doing its job. Secondly, if you get your period around the expected time, it is a good sign that it worked. However, keep in mind that the pill can sometimes mess with your cycle, so do not panic if it is a bit off. If you are still worried, taking a pregnancy test after a couple of weeks can give you a clearer answer. Remember, it is always a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional who can provide you with the best advice and support. You’re not alone in this!

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